Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Audi TT Moves Mainstream

Watered down

I feel as though today's great nationalistic party, held before Berlin's Brandeburg Gate celebrating German design know-how with the launch of the second Audi TT- should have been thrown nine years ago.

Audi has moved its latest TT a step or two towards the mainstream. What made the original that premiered in 1998 so special was that it stood nicely out and was quite different from anything else on the road.

Thanks to its relatively limited sales, the car still manages to capture peoples' attention.

The moral of this story must be that it's best not to expect cutting edge development from the second edition. I should have learned my lesson when the currently bland Mercedes-Benz E-Class couldn't outdo the striking change that the predecessor made in 1996.


Tap the link for more info on Audi's latest TT: Audi

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